TECH’s master’s degree in Lower Genital Tract Pathology and HPV is the best alternative to update your knowledge in the management of genital diseases

The human papillomavirus (HPV) is an infection that is transmitted through sexual contact and its effects can trigger cervical cancer in women, seriously affecting their quality of life. It is for this reason that the Professional Master’s Degree Lower Genital Tract Pathology and HPV of TECH has the most up-to-date syllabus on the market for specialists in this field to study this subject in depth.

It is also important to note that HPV affects both men and women and can cause genital warts. Also, those who are sexually active are more likely to contract this infection at some point in their lives. To prevent this disease, vaccination and the use of barrier methods, such as condoms, during sexual intercourse are recommended.

Lower genital tract pathology and HPV represent crucial areas in women’s health. In this field, understanding and keeping up to date on the latest clinical procedures is essential. In this framework, educational proposals such as the TECH master’s degree stand out, which allows for a deep and updated understanding of this area.

Development of new treatments for cervical cancer

The treatment of this cancer has evolved in recent years, and there are new approaches to clinically address this condition. Although the best method is prevention through vaccination, sometimes the disease develops and requires more advanced medical procedures to manage it.

One of these is ablation therapy, which involves destroying the abnormal cells. It is indicated for precancerous lesions or early stage cancers. This process can be carried out by cryotherapy, electrosurgery, laser therapy or electrosurgical excision.

On the other hand, there are the conventional methods of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. These should be used when the cancer is at a very advanced stage, as the aim is to destroy the cancer cells in their entirety. In addition, scientific advances in these techniques have improved the results in controlling the disease by a large percentage.

Master’s Degree in Pathology of the Inferior Genital Tract and HPV of TECH

Diseases that develop in the female reproductive organ must be treated by gynaecologists and specialists who have advanced knowledge of the appropriate treatments for each condition. For this reason, TECH’s master’s degree in Lower Genital Tract Pathology and HPV is an optimal educational option for professionals who wish to update their knowledge in this field.

The degree has a very comprehensive curriculum that addresses the latest postulates on HPV and the most modern treatments for its prevention. In addition, the course also delves into the characteristics of cervical cancer and the most modern treatments for controlling this disease.

All the above, thanks to a teaching staff with extensive experience in the gynaecological field, who have designed the materials for this degree.  In addition, this master’s degree is taught 100% online, which ensures the student great flexibility in terms of timetables.


TECH Technological University

With a wide range of postgraduate programmes, TECH provides its students with the most innovative educational content at a global level. This has led it to position itself as a leader in terms of employability, with a rate of 99% of its graduates working in the first twelve months after graduation, according to the results of the consulting firm KPMG.

In addition, it is fully committed to ensuring that its students receive an excellent education, with a rigorous choice of materials for each degree programme. This has led Trustpilot to recognise it as the university with the best rating in the world by its students, with a score of 4.9/5 and more than 1,000 ratings.

TECH has also been recognised as one of the 200 fastest growing companies in the world by the Financial Times due to its ability to offer degrees tailored to the academic and professional requirements of students from diverse backgrounds