Worried you have been drinking too much? Are drugs getting the better of you? Rehab could be the way forward.

Rehab clinics are the perfect place to recuperate from many of life’s troubles. Be it an alcohol or drug problem, a mental illness, an eating disorder, or another condition, you will find treatment options that work for you. Rehab clinics are packed with mental health professionals and medical staff. This makes them uniquely placed to deal with a multitude of illnesses, and not just addictions.

Do you think you need rehab? Here are some signs that you could use it.

Do You Need Rehab? 5 Hints You Might

Remember: don’t just rush off and book into the nearest rehab clinic to you. Just because it is in your home town, doesn’t mean it is the best option for you. Instead, use a selection service to find a rehab clinic that works for you. We recommend Help 4 Addiction to anyone in the UK.

1 – Your Family Say You Use Too Much

If your family are telling you that you use too many drugs or drink too often, that’s a fair warning sign that you need to go to rehab. If they all get together in one group and stage an intervention, you should pack a bag. Our loved ones are the first to tell us when they are worried about us. Listen to them.

2 – You Use in Secret

If you are passed the stage of your family sitting down and intervening with your substance abuse problem, and now you are hiding your usage, you need rehab. This is what happens in the advanced stages of addiction. Not all of us have people who worry enough about us to stage an intervention, either. It can be difficult to know where the line is if you don’t have that level of support.

Talk to Your Loved One Struggling with Addiction | FL Rehab

3 – You Want To Tackle Multiple Problems At Once

Do you have a dual diagnosis? This is the umbrella term used for those who have a mental illness plus an addiction, or a combination of similar disorders. When you have two co-occurring illnesses, treating one at a time is time consuming and can be ineffective. Going to rehab lets you tackle both simultaneously. This lessens recovery time and teaches you how to manage both at once.

4 – You Spend Rent Money on Substances

If you have ever left yourself short on your bills at the end of the month because you used the money for drink or drugs, then you are struggling with addiction. Those who spend their bill money on substances are no longer in the position to think clearly about their life choices. If you’d rather be out on the street than without a hit, that’s something to think carefully about.

5 – You Choose Drink/Drugs Over Food

Like the above point, if you have ever chosen to use instead of eating, then you may need to check into a rehab clinic to solve your addiction problems. If you are bypassing your own basic needs as a human, but you still have drink or drugs, it’s time to call that rehab selection service.