Ear infections are conditions that usually occur when you have a fever, sore throat, or allergic attack, and cause fluid to get stuck in the middle ear. This condition often causes pain due to inflammation and fluid buildup.

This condition can be treated by reducing risk factors. Discuss with your doctor for more information.

An ear infection occurs when one of the Eustachian tubes is swollen, blocked, or there is a buildup of fluid in the middle ear. The Eustachian tube is a small tube that starts from each ear and is directly connected to the back of the throat. The causes of Eustachian tube blockages are:

  • Allergy
  • Fever
  • Sinus infection
  • Smoking tobacco
  • Infected or swollen adenoids
  • Excess mucus

What are the signs and symptoms of an ear infection?

In adults, symptoms of ear infections generally are:

  1. Pain in the ear (pain that feels sharp, sudden or mild and ongoing)
  2. Sharp pain accompanied by warm discharge from the ear canal
  3. Feel fullness in the ears
  4. Nausea
  5. Tingling sound
  6. Fluid discharge from the ear.

In children, symptoms of an ear infection can be:

  1. Tugging at the ear
  2. Poor sleep quality
  3. Fever
  4. Easily angry, tired
  5. Fluid discharge from the ear
  6. oss of appetite
  7. Crying at night while lying down

Ear disorders are more likely to occur in infants and toddlers because they have shorter, narrower, and transverse tubes or eustachian tubes than adults. This condition makes them more at risk of fluid buildup. A disorder in the ear called otitis media occurs when bacteria or viruses enter the middle ear, which is at the back of the eardrum. The ear of a child who has a middle ear infection is usually filled with infected fluid or pus and is inflamed, causing pain.

Most ear infections do not cause long-term complications. However, frequent infections that do not go away can cause serious complications such as speech and hearing problems or delayed development, the spread of infection, tearing of the eardrum. There may be signs and symptoms not mentioned above. If you have a concern about a specific symptom, consult your doctor. You can also Book ENT specialist appointment by clicking the link.=

There are a few steps that can be done in order for you to have a sound sleep while suffering from an ear infection. Even so, seeing a doctor remains a top priority, especially if after 48-72 hours the condition still does not improve which is marked by the appearance of high fever and the presence of early symptoms that are getting worse.

  • Compress the ear with a warm, damp cloth

To help reduce pain, compress the ear with a towel soaked in warm water for 10-15 minutes. Before use, make sure the towel has been wrung as hard as possible.

  • Adequate fluids

Hydrate yourself throughout the day and before sleeping. Swallowing liquids can help open the eustachian tubes so that fluid that has accumulated in the channels can flow.

  • Elevate head position

Lift the head slightly by placing 1-2 pillows under the mattress, not directly under the head. It aims to expedite the sinus circulation.

Take advantage of gravity

For a few moments, lay in a sideways position to position the aching ear facing up. Theory wise, this position will reduce the pressure by pushing the fluid out of the eardrum

Give warm olive oil

If there is no fluid flowing from the ear and there is no leakage in the eardrum, try giving a few drops of olive oil into the affected ear. Make sure the olive oil is not cold or hot, but rather warm or the temperature is the same as room temperature. Do this while the patient is sleeping to keep him lying on his side with ears upright for a few minutes, then spread back.