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Avulsed Tooth

Avulsed Tooth

Your tooth may fall out at any age but is more common in toddlers between the ages of 1-3. Mostly the front teeth (incisors) are knocked out. A knocked-out tooth can occur for various reasons, including falls, accidents, falls from bicycles, and other sports injuries. The outcome of treatment for a knocked-out tooth depends on tooth development stages and the time elapsed between occurrence and referral for treatment. Please note that in the case of an avulsed tooth, you have to visit the emergency dentist right after the injury. If you need more information about dental emergencies, you can consult with a trusted emergency dentist in Richmond Hill.

Types Of Injures To The Teeth

Depending on the severity of the impact and the direction of its impact and whether the tooth is deciduous or permanent, the severity of damage to the tooth varies. Types of injuries include:

Tooth Displacement Can Occur in Several Directions:

Essential Advice For People Whose Teeth Have Been Injured

The most important advice to people whose teeth have been damaged or to parents whose child’s or teenager’s teeth are damaged is to visit the emergency dentist as soon as possible. The emergency dentist in Richmond Hills, with years of experience, meets the emergency dental needs in the shortest possible time.

If the crown is broken, it is recommended that find the broken piece and store it in a cup of milk or saliva. In many cases, a broken piece can be used to repair a tooth.

However, suppose the tooth is completely out of its cavity. In that case, after rinsing with water, it is recommended to re-insert the tooth into its cavity in the jaw bone to preserve the life of superficial cells. Please keep in mind that you should not touch the tooth roots.

Otherwise, store the tooth in a glass of milk and visit the emergency dentist immediately. Never store your teeth in liquids such as water or rinsing serum.

It is recommended that the patient follow a soft diet for about two weeks after the emergency dentist has performed the necessary treatment. Besides, maintaining good oral hygiene is very important at this time.

The patient should use a soft toothbrush after each meal. Sometimes disinfectant mouthwashes such as chlorhexidine are recommended for a week. In case of cuts and tears of the tissues or if the tooth is knocked out (due to falling or falling from the bicycle that comes in contact with the ground and soil), inject the tetanus vaccine reminder. Injection of the tetanus vaccine is necessary if more than five years are passed from the vaccine’s last injection.

After the end of the treatment process, further visits to the emergency dentist are necessary to control the results and evaluate the tooth’s response to the performed treatments.

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