Going to the dentist once every six months guarantees your teeth’ health and your smile’s beauty. Early detection and prevention of dental emergencies will help you avoid more serious physical problems. So, it’s better to go to an emergency dental office when you realize a dental problem at its early stages. In addition to regular check-ups, you should brush your teeth and tongue at least twice a day and floss every day. For more information on the best dental care practices, visit Emergency Dentist Toronto.

But why is dental care so critical? Mouth infections can enter the bloodstream and penetrate the immune system. Poor oral hygiene, tooth decay, and periodontal disease caused by gums infection and inflammation leading to many emergency conditions, including respiratory and heart disease. So it is essential to know when to visit a dentist to prevent dental emergency cases.

Tooth Decay

Excessive sugar and sugary food consumption can cause cavities in the teeth. Consuming sugar, without proper oral hygiene, leads to tooth decay. If you have too many acidic foods and drinks such as lemon juice, your teeth will rot. Cavities must be treated before they reach the nerve of the tooth and cause emergency toothache.

Dry Mouth

Lack of moisture in the mouth exposes the tooth to decay. Saliva plays a vital role in removing bacteria and food particles from the teeth and keeps our mouth PH balanced. If your mouth is dry, visit a dentist before it turns into a dental emergency.


Bad Breath

Bad breath is mostly caused by bacteria left in the mouth. The more bacteria in the mouth, the worse the breath condition. This problem solution is brushing and flossing. Of course, the tongue must also be washed.

If you do not floss regularly, the leftovers will provide an excellent environment for the bacteria to reproduce. If your breath always smells bad, make sure to find the main cause by visiting an emergency dentist.

Gum Disease

If your gums are swollen, red and there are blood stains on your toothbrush while brushing, there is something wrong with your gums. Genetics can play a crucial role in gum disease, but poor oral hygiene is the most important cause. Bacteria will reproduce in your mouth if the gum disease remains untreated. It can also damage gum tissue and bones around the teeth.

As the disease progresses, it leads to bone loss, teeth staining, and tooth loss. Of course, this is not the end of the problem. The infection can enter the bloodstream and cause other emergency cases, such as heart swelling.

Oral Herpes

Oral herpes is short-lived blisters which heal quickly, but if they do not get better after two to three weeks, it is the right time to visit a dentist. If they remain for a long time, these sores may be symptoms of oral thrush and oral cancer. By examining these wounds, the dentist will determine if they are severe or not.